Lena Lake Trail #810

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Trail Features

Out and Back
Hikers Only
7 miles
Dirt and Rock
Elevation Gain
Trail Hours
24 hours
Parking Hours
24 hours
Water Fountains
Vending Machines

The Lena Lake Trail is a favorite of the Olympic Peninsula! Located near the Hamma Hamma watershed, the Lower Lena Lake trail is an easy out-and-back walk with a well-maintained switchback trail. It connects to the Upper Lena Lake trail and the Brothers trail, both of which are for more advanced hikers. You will cross two creeks and many springs and rivulets as you make your way towards the lake. The creeks have bridge crossings, but the path can be a little damp and slippery around the springs. Right before you reach the lower lake there is a large rock outcropping where you can sit and have a view of the whole valley. Lower Lena Lake is in the National Forest and is dog friendly, but you will have to leave your dogs at home if you want to continue to Upper Lena Lake, as it is in Olympic National Park.

The trail is well-covered by trees until you reach the lake, so it can be hiked at any point of the day during the summer. In the fall and the winter it can grow dark early in the evening as the sun goes behind the mountains, so it's a good idea to leave early in the afternoon or bring a headlamp. There are campgrounds at the lake if you want to make it an overnight adventure! Just be sure to get there early as the area is very popular and campsites can go quick, especially in the summer and on holidays.

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