Tower Fall Overlook Tral

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Trail Features

Not Allowed
Not Recommended
Out and Back
Hikers Only
0.87 miles
Elevation Gain
252.62 feet
Trail Hours
Sunrise - Sunset
Parking Hours
Sunrise - Sunset
Water Fountains
Vending Machines

The Tower Falls Overlook Trail is a heavily trafficked out-and-back trail in Yellowstone. It takes about an hour to hike the 0.87 mile-long trail with an elevation gain of 252.62 feet. Tower Falls Overlook Trail is kid-friendly though dogs are not allowed on the trail. The trail is primarily used for hiking, nature trips, birdwatching, and walking. Tower Falls Overlook Trail accommodates users with all skill levels - from beginner to advanced. Hikers on the Tower Falls Overlook Trail are advised to carry their own drinking water. The trail graces its users with, mesmerizing view of Yellowstone, a waterfall, the Tower Fall, wildlife like bears and bighorn sheep, beautiful wildflowers and the forest on Yellowstone National Park.

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The Nez Perce and the Shoshone were the native inhabitants of Idaho. The Nez Perce lived in the north while on the south was Shoshone. Their cultures and traditions were similar; farming, hunting, and fishing. The European explorers entered Idaho in the 1800s. Later came the fur traders who made permanent settlements and even saw the construction of Fort Henry in 1810 by Andrew Henry. More settlers moved to Idaho in the 1800s and in 1846, Idaho became a part of the United States.

The first photograph of Tower Fall was taken by Henry Jackson in 1871. This picture received a lot of reactions and many locals wanted to behold this beauty. As a result, Yellowstone National Park was founded in 1872 and it became the World’s first National Park. The members of Washburn expedition of 1870 were the proponents of Tower Creek waterfall.

The waterfall was initially named Minaret Creek but the name was changed since it was against their agreement to name features after people. The Minaret Creek was named after Minnie Rhet, a lover to one of the members of the expedition. The name was changed to Tower Creek or Tower Fall.

In 1986, a hazardous boulder sat at the lip of the fall and during spring, the rock tumble to the bottom of the fall. Mud and rock slides of 2004 affected Tower Creek greatly. The slides washed out a great section of the trail leaving the bottom viewing platform closed to avoid accidents. Just like many other falls in Yellowstone area, Tower Creek started as a low ledge at the intersection of two bedrocks. The rock at the brink is a tough, volcanic breccia. At the base of the fall, a smooth gorge stream enters the Yellowstone River.


All Trails. (2020). Tower Falls Trail. Retrieved March 5, 2020, From

Ducksters. (2020). Idaho State History. Retrieved March 5, 2020 , From

Hikespeak. (2020). Tower Fall in Yellowstone. Retrieved March 5, 2020, From

National Park Trips Media. (2020). Yellowstone National Park. Retrieved March 5, 2020, From

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