Falls Branch Trail

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Trail Features

Hikers Only
Dirt and Rock
Elevation Gain
Trail Hours
Parking Hours
Water Fountains
Vending Machines

The Falls Branch Trail at Lake Catherine State Park, shaded by a variety of pines and hardwoods, is a local favorite because of the beautiful cascading waterfall at Falls Creek. There's a lot to see and do on this loop trail, from squirrel and bird watching to playing in the cool water of either the Little Canyon or Falls Creek. And did I mention the waterfall?

This 2-mile trail starts near the campgrounds, where restrooms and water fountains are available--but none are along the trail. While the difficulty level is intermediate, some particularly rocky areas may be more challenging for very young children or for the elderly. Dogs are allowed, but must remain leashed on the trail and in the state park.

Wooden footbridges allow easy walking across the creeks in several places, giving the hiker a number of scenic views to enjoy. The trail reaches maximum elevation when it intersects Horseshoe Mountain Trail.

Plan to spend about 2 hours hiking this trail. Even fast hikers will get caught up in this scenery and choose to linger a while. Some stop for a swim in the swimming hole at the base of the water fall. There is no lifeguard on duty; swim at your own risk.

Lake Catherine State Park has a number of trails in the park system. Hikers who want to explore them all can stay at the lake in one of 20 cabins or 70 campsites. Campers who prefer to rough it can choose from among six primitive tent sites. For a unique experience, try renting a yurt! Park interpreters offer interesting programs for all ages year-round.

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