Echo Canyon Trail

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Trail Features

Not Allowed
Hikers Only
1.7 miles
Elevation Gain
6,778' with a gain of 450'
Trail Hours
8:30am - 4:30pm
Parking Hours
8:30am - 4:30pm
Water Fountains
Vending Machines

The Echo Canyon Trail, with an elevation of 6,778’ and a gain of 450’, is a very popular hike at just under 2 miles, point to point, and full of unique rock formations created millions of years ago by a volcanic explosion. The trail is open year-round to visitors and hikers, from 8:30am to 4:30pm, with free parking. Although the trails in Chiricahua National Monument are kid friendly, the Echo Canyon Trail is considered intermediate so it’s recommended to bring kids who have a bit of hiking experience, and please leave the dogs at home.

Due to the Horseshoe 2 Fire in 2011, the abundance of flora and fauna in the Echo Canyon Trail significantly decreased, although you will still see cacti in various forms and bloom in the spring. The Chiricahua pines are sprouting fast but the it takes time to recover from the fire which in turn caused flooding during the subsequent monsoon season. The loss of the very old and important Douglas fir trees resulted in the loss of suitable habitat for certain birdlife, especially the Mexican Spotted Owl. Other substantial loss includes the Elegant Trogon, Twin Spotted Rattlesnake and certain indigenous wildflowers like the Lemon Lily.

Echo Canyon Trail offers remarkable views of volcanic rock formations like the grottoes and the steep-walled passageways of spires called Wall Street. The trail turns into switchbacks and because there are holes in many of the massive uniquely formed rocks, you can actually see, and say “H E L L O, HELLO, hello” to hikers who are on the other side of the trail and you can hear the echo of your "hellos" calling back. This is definitely a trail worth experiencing.

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