East River Trail

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Trail Features

Hikers Only
2.7 miles
Elevation Gain
100 feet
Trail Hours
sunset to sunrise
Parking Hours
sunset to sunrise
Water Fountains
Vending Machines

The East River Trail is the most beautiful short Trail in the Porcupine Mountain Wilderness State Park in Michigan. It gets trafficked with hikers and backpackers. The East River Trail is suitable for adults and children, but children need strong supervision beside the waterfalls. The trail has restrooms as well as clean drinking water in the Presque Isle Day-use area. Parking is available in the recreation area. East River Trail starts with a sharp climb topping off at the posted intersection with the 17-mile long Lake Superior at 0.5 miles. The footpath in the East River Trail goes from challenging to smooth and is mainly for hiking, camping. It is dog friendly. While there, one should expect to see the Manabezho, Manido, and Nawadaha waterfalls and impressive trees, such as virgin hemlock, white pine, and cedar. Hikers usually begin during the day at the picnic areas since it offers some of the most considerable scenery in the Trail. The East River Train can be accessed from the M-10; turn south on the South Boundary Road and go along the round perimeter of the park. At the convergence, the Country road 519, turn North and follow the direction markers in the Presque Isle attractive area to the day-use area.

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