Cut Bank Pass Trail

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Trail Features

Not Allowed
Not Recommended
Out and Back
5.59 miles
Elevation Gain
6,184.4 feet
Trail Hours
Sunrise - Sunset
Parking Hours
Sunrise - Sunset
Water Fountains
Vending Machines

Located within Glacier National Park in Montana, the Cut Banks Pass Trail is a lightly trafficked, out-and-back trail used for nature trips, hiking, bird watching, and camping. The 5.59-mile trail has a mixed surface and an elevation gain of 6,184.4 feet. There are no restrooms on the trail but they can be found on the nearby camping grounds. Users of this trail ought to carry their drinking water. The Cut Banks Pass Trail is accessible all year and is not kid-friendly. Most notable aspects of Cut Banks Pass Trail are a river, a forest, and a beautiful lake. The flora of this trail includes glacier lilies, asters, bear grass, pine bushes, and thimbleberry bushes. Bighorn sheep, mountain goats, and bears are the most common wild animals on this trail. The forest on Cut Banks Pass Trail is home to birds like Vesper sparrows and woodpeckers. Hikers are advised to carry a bear spray.

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