Coastal Prairie Trail

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Trail Features

Not Allowed
17 miles
Elevation Gain
Trail Hours
Sunrise - Sunset
Parking Hours
Sunrise - Sunset
Water Fountains
Vending Machines

The Coastal Prairie Trail is a 17-mile trail located in Everglades National park in Florida. While the trail is longer, it is considered flat. The Coastal Prairie Trail is heavily trafficked and family-friendly, though dogs are not allowed on the trail. Hikers are treated to an amazing view of birds, lakes and beautiful rivers. Coastal Prairie Trail is favorable for hiking, strolling, and nature walks. The Coastal Prairie Trail can be accessed throughout the year although the hike gets difficult when it rains since it becomes muddy and bugs can be very disturbing. Hikers pay a fee of $8 if they are on foot or cycling, $20 for motorcycles, and $25 for other vehicles. The trail does not have toilets.

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The Coastal Prairie Trail can be best accessed through the Flamingo Visitor Center. From the Visitor Center, drive along the Main Park Road up to the Flamingo Camping site. At the trailhead of the campground, there is a C loop, which is where Coastal Prairie Trail commences. Hikers are advised to pack hiking boots that are above the ankles, a long shirt, bug repellant or spray and a hat with a mosquito net since the trail becomes muddy and infested with mosquitoes and bugs when it rains. It can also get too hot and the seven to eight-hour hike can get tiresome and exhausting so carry enough drinking water. The path is an easy one to follow but hikers should be on the lookout for crocodiles and gators.

From the campground with Brazilian pepper, head west through the old road that is the heritage of the U.S Department of Agriculture up to junction about 1.2 miles away. You will come across the Bayshore Loop that is left of Florida Bay and the Coastal Prairie Trail is right ahead on the right. After hurricanes, the Florida Bay left behind prairies that you’ll come across on this loop. The Florida Bay is home to various wildlife. Hikers are able to view beautiful birds of different species like Reddish egrets, Great White Herons, and Roseate spoonbills. Raccoons, fox squirrels, bobcats, and opossums make hiking even more memorable and fun. More to wildlife, Florida Bay contains many fishing grounds and hikers camping around can have fun fishing here. At the end of Coastal Prairie Trail is Clubhouse Beach, with a beautiful and an amazing beach and one of the best campsites in Florida Bay.

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