Clay Mine Trail

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Trail Features

Out and Back
1.6 miles
Elevation Gain
1952 ft. with a 226 ft. gain
Trail Hours
6am to 8pm
Parking Hours
6am to 8pm
Water Fountains
Vending Machines

Located in the Cave Creek Regional Park in Arizona, the Clay Mine Trail is a 1.6-mile out and back trail. Although it’s rated moderate and is a good trail for kids, there are quite a few elevation changes. Most hikers use The Clay Mine Trail from October thru March when the weather is cooler. Dogs are allowed but must be leashed. The Park is open daily from 6am to 8pm and charges a $7 Park fee. Be sure to carry plenty of water when hiking the Clay Mine Trail or any of the other trails within the Cave Creek Regional Park.

The Clay Mine Trail offers spectacular views of saguaro and cholla cactus, yellow brittle bush, and numerous types of birds, including common yellowthroats, yellow warblers, hummingbirds, and Gambel’s quail. And don’t forget about the occasional gila monster and tarantula hiding around the next bend!

At the end of the Clay Mine Trail you will see the abandoned and fenced-off famous and historic Clay Mine for which this trail was named. If you are interested in touring the Mine and hearing some very interesting history of this area of Arizona, just sign up for a guided tour at the Visitor’s Center. Natural healing poultice, anyone?

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