Chapel Path

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Trail Features

Not Allowed
Out and Back
Hikers Only
0.8 miles
Dirt and Rock
Elevation Gain
282 feet
Trail Hours
sunset to sunrise
Parking Hours
sunset to sunrise
Water Fountains
Vending Machines

Wetland ecosphere is Chapel Path’s most prominent feature. The 0.8-mile hike offers first-hand experience of how this delicate habitat works. The wetlands are home to 120 species of insects, snakes, turtles, alligators, marsh rabbits, deer, and birds. The Chapel Trail Nature Preserve occupies 450 acres of land and is located on the edge of Pembroke Pines. Despite being a round-trip hike, the trail makes a beautiful birding location, and you can easily sample flora and fauna present in the Everglades ecosystems. With 282 feet of elevation gain, this trail is kid-friendly, however, the bug factor is moderate to high. Dogs are not allowed on Chapel Path. Canoe rentals are only available on Saturdays from nine o’clock in the morning to noon for $7/hr.

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Trip Reports

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