Benny Vastine Nature Trail

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Trail Features

Dirt and Rock
Elevation Gain
Trail Hours
sunrise - sunset, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Parking Hours
sunrise - sunset, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Water Fountains
Vending Machines

The Benny Vastine Nature Trail is a 1.4-mile stretch of rocky route, situated in Cincinnati, Ohio that takes you to the amazing Devou. The trail has an elevation of between 178 and 204 feet, and is suitable for kids, adults and even dogs. It is a strictly foot only trail so no bikers can go beyond the parking lot. From the visitors point, the trail leads to Montague Hill, through a secluded uphill route surrounded by dense wood.

Further, up, the trail connects with another less busy trail route, the Full Monty Trail. It is an ideal trail for hikers looking for quick adventures. Along the trail are beautiful wild flowers that come alive during the spring. Hikers also get to enjoy the sight of various types of bird species as they fly around the wooded area around the park. Another beautiful feature is the stone stairs that seem to go on forever. You do not have to worry about the scorching sun because most of the trail route is shaded.

Overall, it is a nice trail worth taking. Hiking through the trail is open and free to everyone. The park does, however, accept donations. The short trail does not have any stopping points on the way and it is important not to veer off, as the markings are not very clear. The park has some places that are too dense with few poison ivy bushes along the way. It would be wise to wear long pants should you decide to hike along this trail.

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