Bailey Range Traverse

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Trail Features

Not Allowed
Not Recommended
Hikers Only
70.2 miles
Elevation Gain
7,969 feet
Trail Hours
sunrise - sunset, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Parking Hours
sunrise - sunset, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Water Fountains
Vending Machines

Bailey Range Traverse is located in Olympia, Washington in the United States. The traverse is 70.2 miles (113 kilometers) and it takes hikers about nine to ten days to cover the entire traverse. The Bailey Range Traverse has an elevation gain of 7,969 feet. Hikers are supposed to pay a fee of $2,240, and pets are not allowed. The traverse is open throughout the year. The Bailey Range Traverse is strenuous and hikers need to have advanced beginner technical skills to hike here. Hikers with experience in mountain climbing, mountain travel and travel in glaciated train have an advantage over those without. Hikers enjoy rock climbing, snow climbing and travelling through glacier.

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Olympia is located in the southern part of Puget Sound in Washington. The area homed Lushootseed speakers for many years before the Europeans moved in and settled. The Americans who settled in Olympia in the 1940s were attracted by Tumwater Falls that was seen as good and reliable sources of water and power. These settlers developed the Tumwater market which served them as well as the local citizens. Olympia was known for its regional trade and the waters in the area were the main reason behind booming of trade. Later on, in 1848, the catholic missionaries from France established a church and a school, Mission St. Joseph of Newmarket.

Mount Olympus Washington, which can be viewed from the Bailey Range Traverse was the first physical feature to be dubbed by a European in Washington and it was formerly known as Cerro Neyado de Santa Rosalia meaning the Snowy Peak of Saint Rosalia. John Meares, a British explorer gave the mountain its current name. The mountain holds so much history of the people of Washington: in 1890, a US Army expedition led by Officer Joseph O’Neil reached the crest of the mountain, and in 1909, President Theodore declared the formation of Mount Olympus National Monument. In 1938, President Franklin pronounced it a national park and later in 1976, the national park was pronounced an International Biosphere Reserve. The Bailey Range, where Bailey Range Traverse is located was dubbed by the Seattle Press Expedition in 1889 together with other several mountains around Mount Pulitzer.


Barefoot Jake. (2019). Barefoot Jake Hikes Olympic. Retrieved February 24, 2020 ,From,

Hiking Project. (2020). Bailey Range Route. Retrieved February 24, 2020, From,

Wikipedia. (2019). Mount Olympus (Washington). Retrieved February 24, 2020, From,

Wikipedia. (2019). Olympic Mountains. Retrieved February 24, 2020, From,

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